材料: 無骨雞腿1-2件 (可用有骨雞腿, 雞胸, 雞柳...), 檸檬1-2個 Ingredients: boneless chicken thigh, 1-2 lemons 做法: How to cook: - 雞腿用鹽(我喜歡用海鹽), 黑胡椒調味 ... 喜歡可加入喜愛的香草 marinate the chicken thighs with salt an pepper (personally I like using Sea Salt and if you like you can add in your favorite herbs) - 將雞腿煎至皮脆 fry the chicken thighs till the skin is crispy 西檸汁: -檸檬汁3-4湯匙 3-4 tbsp of fresh lemon juice -凍水2湯匙 2 tbsp of cold water -吉士粉1湯匙 1 tbsp of custard powder -熱水100毫升 100ml of hot water -冰糖約15克 15g rock sugar 冰糖和熱水煮滾至糖完全溶化, 逐少加入檸檬汁至自己喜歡的酸甜味道, 逐少加入吉士粉水 (吉士粉加凍水), 一面攪拌至杰度適中 Pour in the hot water and rock sugar. Cook until the sugar is totally dissolved. Add in the lemon juice according to your taste. Mix custard powder with cold water. Stir in custard mixture at a time until the sauce is thickened.
五花腩翻轉,用紹興酒塗抹底部 Flip over the pork belly and massage the bottom part with Shao Hsing Rice Cooking Wine
再灑上少許白糊椒粉 Then sprinkle a bit white pepper
然後灑上五香粉 add in five spices powder
灑上少許鹽 sprinkle a pinch of salt
放入雪櫃12小時(皮向上) Keep in fridge (skin side up) for 12 hours
用肉針刺皮表面 Prick tiny holes into the pork skin, do no go into the fat layer
刺後將腩肉放在錫紙上摺疊起來再鋪滿粗鹽 Put the pork belly on tin foil and fold up the side then layer with coarse salt/coarse sea salt (放粗鹽前可塗上白醋 Brush vinegar on top of pork skin if you want but I didn't)
焗爐預熱375°F放入腩肉45-50分鐘 (時間可調整,個別焗爐有不同火力) Goes into preheated oven "bake" for 45-50minutes at 375°F (you would need to adjust your time of baking as it depends on your oven)
腩肉取出抹去皮上的鹽再放入焗爐焗至皮脆 (大概10-15分鐘) Take out the pork belly from oven and remove the salt on top then place it on a rack then back in oven "broil" for 10-15minutes or until the skin is crackling, puffy and crispy